The Yolk Media


Case study on southern packaging

Case study on southern packaging


Southern Packaging, LP, a global leader in FIBCs and bulk packaging, hired LAIRE to remodel and create an SEO- and marketing-friendly website using our Growth-Driven Design (GDD) methodology. The company has experienced a 156 percent growth in organic users and an increase of 79 percent in total users in Q1 of 2021 after 9 months of website makeover and marketing engagement activities.

 High-Level Stats
  • Increase in Organi Users by 155.79%.
  • An increase of 125 percent in Form Submissions.
  • Produced $55,000 in closed sales in the first quarter of 2021 because of new digital leads.

155.99% Increase In Organic Users

125% increase In Form Submissions

Closed Business In Q1 of 2021


Bulk Packaging Supply Leader

Leading supplier of bulk packaging, Southern Packaging, LP helps American manufacturers with their supply chains. Nearly 900 locations in the United States get deliveries from the company of more than 1,100 distinct industrial packaging goods, including poly-packaging, FIBC bulk bags, and more.

The Goal

Generate Organic Rankings and More Qualified Leads

Southern Packaging, LP hired us to execute a marketing plan after conducting competitive research so they could compete with local and national rivals who had been using a digital strategy for the last few years. We decided to overhaul the current website using a Growth-Driven Design strategy with the ultimate goal of increasing organic traffic through organic rankings and online lead generation. Incorporating strategic keywords and SEO best practices, we were able to construct new website pages gradually while showcasing their numerous product offers that weren’t previously highlighted on the website.

The site featured 24 pages altogether that had been redesigned with new content, page layouts, and modules after three months of Phase 1 developing core website pages and another six months of GDD.

Phase 1 Post-Launch Marketing Efforts

Our team adopted a GDD website redesign strategy, concentrating initially on the priority sites and templates before launching content marketing initiatives and creating auxiliary website pages. In addition to additional material like blog entries that are keyword-optimized, we also built the basic assets, such as compelling visual calls-to-action, email templates for product notifications, and newsletters.

Growth-Driven Design and Content Creation Generated 117 Form Submissions in Q1 of 2021

We have published and optimized 42 new blog articles within the last six months, made gated landing pages for product brochures, and established lead criteria for further lead creation. We have persisted in advancing strategic marketing initiatives, incorporating quarterly plans that cover paid advertising and email marketing. The company has received a significant number of digital leads from organic search alone, including phone calls and form submissions, and generated $55,000 in closed business in Q1 of 2021 from only digital leads.

Results of Growth-Driven Design


  • Increase in Organic Users of 155.79% (1,127 to 2,885)
  • Increase of 150.51 percent in Organic Sessions (1,374 to 3,442)
  • Increase in the Number of Sessions by 73.19 Percent
  • An increase of overall users of 79.2 percent

2021 Q1 Conversation RESULTS

  • Increase of 125 percent in Form Submissions (52 to 117).
  • Views of the Form Have Increased by 187% (1,827 to 5,247).
  • New digital leads produced $55,000 in closed business in the first quarter of 2021.

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Case Study of a privately-owned finance company

Case study for A privately-owned finance company

Design, development & PPC in the finance sector.


Bricks Finance is a privately-owned finance company that provides sensible financing to lenders and a better rate of return for its investors. To date, the company has completed £63,900,000 in completed loans with 0 investor losses to date. The company specialises in asset-backed businesses and bridging loans, a space once occupied by high street banks prior to regulatory reforms which stem from the 2008 financial crisis. Bricks originally approached The Yolk Media to run PPC advertising but then pivoted to brief a new website design and build. The following case study provides an overview of this process.


Bridging Loans

Expertise Delivered

Performance Marketing

DESIGN - A full rebranding

Bricks had not originally intended to rebrand their business fonts or logo. However, it quickly became apparent that the typeface and colour palette could be updated to improve UX. For example, different colours to represent different customer journeys, We also opted to use the font ‘Lexend’ in a variety of weights, as well as the enhanced colour palette below to help bring Bricks to life.


Magenta 20%

Magenta 10%

Ink Blue


Cyan 10%

Website Development

The previous Bricks website was built on WordPress using an off-the-shelf theme. The client was happy with the CMS but wanted a faster website and to elevate the borrow/investor experience whilst creating a structure that would allow the site to rank organically more effectively long term. The project started with keyword research to establish how customers who are looking for bridging loans or property loans might search online. This would inform the sitemap and ultimately lead to the website menu on the current site. With the sitemap established we then set about writing meta elements for the new structure and FAQs sections.

Growth - Lead acquisition in the finance sector

The previous Bricks website had a very simple structure and limited use of keyword terms which limited potential landing page visibility (aka quality score). Since launching the new website we have seen impressive improvements in like-for-like PPC metrics – we’ve used percentages to mitigate for media spend differences and compared May 2021 vs. August 2021

CPC reductions of 13.67%

Having specific landing pages improves quality scores. This is Google’s way of rewarding websites that provide content relevant to the terms they bid on. For a generic keyword-only campaign, the click-through rates (CTR) of the old site were 6.73%, on the new site this has increased to 9.74%, a +44.8% improvement.

Improving Click Share

Click share are clicks that you’ve received within search divided by the estimated maximum number of clicks that you could have received. On the old site, the total click share was 16.70% this improved to 27.93%, a +67.27% increase.

Better reporting on metrics

The website overhaul provided us with the ability to comprehensively tag and track user actions via Google Tag Manager. Users who interact with the borrow and invest calculators are counted and newsletter signups and contact form fills are tracked. All of these are useful metrics to monitor, but tracking phone calls has proven the be the most important, due to the volume received by the client. With so many variables at play, phone calls are often the best way for Bricks to deliver a highly personalised service to their customers. Each conversion point has allowed us to report more comprehensively on PPC and other channels such as organic and Linkedin.

To conclude

From an initial enquire centred around PPC, this project grew to encompass design, development, SEO and performance media. This holistic approach has allowed Bricks to smooth their customer journey, from the first impression through to website conversion.

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Case study of innovative skincare brand

Case study for A innovative skincare brand

Performance skincare brand launches D2C


Super Facialist sells a premium range of innovative skincare products in retailers such as Waitrose and Boots. We worked with their parent company Swallowfield PLC to develop the digital identity & tone of voice for the brand.

This acted as a launchpad to establish a direct to consumer business model selling their performance skincare products straight to consumers.


Performance skincare

Expertise Delivered

Performance Marketing
Analytics Setup

Performance Media

We were tasked with driving online sales through the use of search marketing, performance marketing and longer-term content-led SEO strategy.

Facebook Advertising

1. Brand awareness campaign

At the Awareness stage, our Facebook ad goal was to attract new audiences. We used carousel ads for that. 

This ad does a good job at highlighting “benefits to the customer” rather than mere features of the product.

2. Consideration campaign 

Using warm audiences from the awareness stage and getting them interested to try out our product was the goal here. We ensured that the website was well designed and optimized for user experience for the visitors on the site in this stage. 

During this stage, we can be more direct and ask for users contact info in exchange for something of value. For example downloadable pdf, special offer, free sample or trial, Giveaways, webinars etc.  

For Super Facialist we used an Image ad to offer free lipstick & £5 wallet cash in exchange for app install.

By incentivizing prospects to take a small action, We were able to build trust before asking users to pay for something.

The choice of incentives was also thoughtful aligning with the audience they’re targeting.

3. Conversion Campaigns 

In the earlier stages, we’d introduced our brand, got users interested, and built trust with them. To get leads excited we made sure to clearly communicate our value proposition. 

Consumers have never had so many distractions that prevent them from completing checkouts. Using Facebook and Instagram retargeting we ensured users who ‘added to basket’ were reminded at a later stage.

We also used DPA (Dynamic Product Ads) to show the right products to people who have expressed interest in them.

For example, if a shopper views a shaving razor, the next time around, Facebook will dynamically retarget that user with exact products.

4. Post-purchase campaign

We focused majorly on increasing the customer lifetime value of existing buyers by converting them into loyal customers And promoters.

We also incentivized these two main actions during the post-purchase phase:

  • Repeat purchases
  • Word-of-mouth advertising

Google Shopping

Using Google Shopping provided instant SERPs visibility for key generics such as ‘facial scrub’ and ‘retinol cleanser’. The shopping feed featured automated customer reviews, promotions and price drops. Utilising these features increased user click-through rates and campaign performance.

Search Engine optimization

Our longterm goal was to supplement SEO with performance media but with any new site launch, this was going to take time. We set about conducting an SEO audit before implementing product category landing pages, amends and Schema markup improvements (stock status, reviews and price).

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Case Study for D2C men’s haircare

Case study for A D2C men's haircare brand

Strategy and performance media launching specialist D2C mens haircare.


Jamie Stevens is a three-time winner of Men’s British Hairdresser of the Year who partnered with Swallowfield PLC to create a men’s performance haircare range MR. Jamie Stevens. The brand is the ultimate men’s haircare system designed to help combat the challenges of thinning hair and provide everyday grooming staples to keep hair strong and healthy.


Personal Care
Male Haircare

Expertise Delivered

Performance Media

Performance Media

The Yolk Media worked with their parent company Swallowfield PLC (now KDC/one) to establish a direct to consumer business model which involved driving online sales through the use of search marketing, performance marketing and longer-term content-led SEO strategy.

Social Media Advertising

Consumers have never had so many distractions that prevent them from completing checkouts. Using Facebook and Instagram retargeting We ensured users who ‘added to basket’ were reminded at a later stage.

Google Shopping

Google Shopping provides instant SERPs visibility for key generics such as ‘disguise spray’ and ‘hair fibres’. The shopping feed featured automated customer reviews, promotions and price drops. Utilising these features increased user click through rates and campaign performance.

Search Engine Optimisation

Our longterm goal was to supplement SEO with performance media but with any new site launch this was going to take time. We set about conducting an SEO audit before implementing product category landing pages, Internal linking, robot.txt amends and Schema markup improvements (stock status, reviews and price).

Analytics Setup

Starting a new website and digital advertising meant setting up not only pixels and revenue tracking but all the advertising accounts too. We could then move onto creating reporting dashboards.

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Case study for A global footwear company

Case study for A global footwear company

See how we helped a global footwear brand increase ROI by more than 300% in one quarter.

Results at a Glance:

195% Increase in revenue

307% Increase in ROAS in Q1 2019

10.7% Increase in ROAS Q2 2019

7000+ New eCommerce transactions in the first 3 quarters


When a global footwear company like The Athlete’s Foot USA (TAF USA) decides to launch a brand-new eCommerce site, it looks to partner with a digital marketing agency capable of driving online sales at an enterprise scale.

We also reconnected with people who had visited The Souled Store’s products online but had not added any items to their online shopping carts or made any purchases in the previous 10 days using the website Custom Audiences.

TAF USA selected The Yolk Media amongst a number of agencies for just this reason: an innovative, creative, and brand-focused agency with proven success managing large media accounts.


TAF USA planned to launch a new eCommerce site in Q4 2018 and they wanted to hit the ground running. With the help of our team, the company developed a plan to deliver on aggressive sales goals for the 12 months following the launch.

TAF USA would rely on us to create and manage all digital advertising campaigns, as well as to guide search engine optimization (SEO) strategies aimed at enhancing brand positioning, increasing brand visibility online, and raising awareness within TAF’s target market. Ultimately, the goal was to secure incremental revenue increases for TAF USA, quarter by quarter, using a mix of digital marketing strategies.

Strategy & Tactics

TAF USA had the launch of their new e-commerce site slated at a critical time: the last quarter of the year. For many e-commerce businesses, sales tend to peak during Q4. The company needed to get their digital program up and running so that sales were being driven from day one.

To meet these aggressive strategic objectives, our team launched with a mix of targeted strategies that would be monitored and refined, removed, or replaced—always based on the data—on a quarter-by-quarter basis. Though the mix of strategies was slightly modified each quarter, it was broadly comprised of the following


The launch of the ecommerce site followed a strategy that began with an aggressive launch, followed by quarter-by-quarter monitoring and refinement. The general strategy, key performance indicators (KPIs), and progress are detailed below, from Q4 2018 through Q2 2019.

Q4 2018

Launch the ecommerce site and associated marketing activities

The stated goal of Q4 (phase 1) marketing activities was to test multiple strategies, then identify and refine core strategies based on KPIs identified during discovery. The KPIs? Return on ad spend (ROAS), transactions, and incremental revenue

Given that Q4 strategy coincided with the launch of the ecommerce site itself, it was very focused on revenue-generation. It was also a time of vigorous tactic testing—a time when The Yolk Media was introducing various channels and ad formats to gain an understanding of what worked best for this new digital audience.

Q1 2019

Focus on feed-based initiatives, social media campaigns, and promotional periods

In Q1 2019, the objective was to introduce additional feed-based initiatives and then hone in on the core strategies based on demonstrated results. This included the introduction of social stories on new releases, brand bananas, as well as Facebook DPAs alongside PLAs and DCO. The Yolk Media also focused on list segmentation for email campaigns, leading to significantly higher open rates

Q2 2019

Maximize feed-based initiatives, drive awareness on social channels, surface sale items in relevant searches

By Q2 2019, TAF USA and The Yolk Media team understood where to focus and expand resources to maximize reach and revenue

This included a greater focus on email campaigns, which saw a 127% increase in revenue generation and a 97% increase in subscribership, as well as Google Shopping, text ads, and DPAs, which saw 66%, 13%, and 14% increases in revenue, respectively

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Shreeji foods- eCommerce sales via search marketing

Shreeji foods- eCommerce sales via search marketing

Brand Overview

To earn higher visibility for all products through Paid Ads & SEO

 Shreeji Foods sells healthy snacks and packaged dry fruits through an online ecommerce store. With a huge growth goal, they needed to win the search competition to attract new customers and better search visibility. 

We worked with an optimization program aimed at improving keyword positioning across search engines via SEO and implementing eCommerce focused ads strategy.


eCommerce SEO & Paid Ads

Keywords Mapping

We mapped products pages to the buyer-centric long-tail keywords. Based on keywords mapping we optimized pages and updated content according to competitor research. We also fixed pages technical issues to improve the website on-page SEO scores.

Off-Page optimization

We created blog posts and started publishing them to the related sites using branded link building strategy to establish brand visibility.

Google Shopping Ads

We created micro-targeted Google Shopping campaigns to drive high intent traffic to the website. Along with high intent traffic, this channel also contributed significantly to good returns.


997%+ Revenue growth in 5 months

342 % + New users

997.66 % + Revenue

350 K + Impressions

1158 % + Transactions

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Case study on E-Commerce store

Case Study on An E-Commerce Store

Boosting customer acquisition with Facebook Dynamic ads


The Indian fashion and lifestyle brand used Facebook dynamic ads to automatically promote different product categories to potential customers, achieving a 40% increase in reach and 8X return on ad spend.

40% Increase in reach over earlier campaign with no dynamic ads

7 X return on ad spend

40% lower cost per acquisition over earlier campaign with no dynamic ads

2X increase in business volume over earlier campaign with no dynamic ads


Increasing prospective customers

The Souled Store wanted to maximise reach and acquire new customers online, while increasing its return on ad spend and lowering its cost per acquisition.

THE Solution

Tailored to fit

We used Facebook and Instagram to run dynamic ads for broad audiences in order to increase customer acquisition. The advertising optimised campaign performance by automatically showing relevant products to buyers based on their interests and browsing behaviour on and off Facebook. Reaching out to people aged 15–25 in India, we used the carousel ad format to serve the photo ads, each with a clear call to action to encourage purchase.

We also reconnected with people who had visited The Souled Store’s products online but had not added any items to their online shopping carts or made any purchases in the previous 10 days using website Custom Audiences.


Stunning  fashion statement

The Souled Store’s Facebook dynamic ads campaign increased brand awareness and attracted new customers. We achieved:

  • 40% more people reached over earlier campaign with no dynamic ads (ads delivered to over four million people every day)
  • X return on ad spend
  • 40% lower cost per acquisition over earlier campaign with no dynamic ads
  • X increase in business volume over earlier campaign with no dynamic ads

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Case Study on hotel chain

Case Study on ITC Chain of hotels

Brand Overview:

ITC Hotel is one of India’s top three hotel and resort chains. The ITC chain offers more than 100 hotels that cater to a variety of customer price points and experiences. ITC has built more than 8 hotels under the ‘ITC Luxury Collection’ brand. The Grand Central – Mumbai, Maratha – Mumbai, Maurya – New Delhi, Mughal – Agra, Windsor – Bengaluru, Gardenia – Bengaluru, Kakatiya – Hyderabad, and Sonar – Kolkata are all part of the Luxury Collection. Today, the brand has reshaped and redesigned India’s luxury and hotel industries.


This level of legacy had already helped ITC in their brand awareness efforts but a huge problem was with the kind of competition ITC was facing. With more competitors attempting to eat up market share, the hotel giant was in need of ways to maintain its leader status, specifically with overnight business travellers who make up a large portion of the traffic that Chatrapati Shivaji Airport sees on a daily basis.


It’s no secret that Chatrapati Shivaji Airport is one of the world’s busiest airports. As such, we could expect that ITC Maratha’s local competitors were hard at work actively targeting business travellers.

We conducted a thorough investigation into all of the hotels that surround Chatrapati Shivaji Airport in order to assess their place in the market and to see where ITC Maratha could make an immediate impact. Once that data was gathered, we developed an SEO campaign with the specific goal of targeting qualified guests.

This distinction – to target qualified guests – ensured that our client wouldn’t be inundated with irrelevant traffic. This type of traffic not only bogs down resources and skews reports, but it could also be costly (specifically when conducting a PPC campaign).


 • Compiling keywords to target (which helped to keep our messaging narrowed and focused)

 • Developing ongoing press releases, articles, and link building strategies

 • Reputation management within online travel agencies and online review sites

This Type Of Broad Approach To SEO Requires A Clear Strategy And The Support Of An Entire SEO Team, From Content Creators To Marketing Specialists To Media Buyers.

Because we offer full-service SEO solutions in-house, we were able to design and implement ITC Maratha’s strategy quickly and effectively, so that our client would see results … fast.

Page one Google rankings for its top 20 targeted keywords in 4 months

  • 50+ page one Google rankings after just 7 months
  • A 73% increase in monthly revenue
  • A 100% response to OTA reviews within 48 hours

ITC Maratha’s immediate success is one thing – but maintaining these types of results requires ongoing maintenance and adaptations in order to remain relevant in an industry that’s constantly evolving. 

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Lightning firm case study

More Leads on a Tighter Budget? Case Study On A Lightning Firm.

How can you continue to generate a sufficient amount of leads for your business, while slashing your lead generation budget in half? That was the challenge presented toThe Yolk Media by Wolfers Lighting, a multi-location lighting showroom business based in New England.

The lighting company had been using Google pay-per-click (PPC) advertising for quite a while. It had proven to be one of their best, most reliable sources of new business. Based on new plans, our client chose to reallocate 50% of their Paid Search marketing budget to other initiatives for a period of time. However, it was still crucial for them to keep the leads flowing, even on a smaller budget.

Prior to these changes, Wolfers was previously using a PPC agency that was delivering an average of 26 leads per month. Could TYM take over their campaigns and continue delivering good lead levels… but on a much tighter budget?

Smaller budget. Bigger PPC lead count. Challenge accepted!

The Initial Strategy

The first thing TYM did was to do an extensive analysis of the cost per lead for each keyword and ad. The goal was to identify and halt those components that were using up significant amounts of their ad spend… but was not generating corresponding levels of leads.

Most PPC campaigns have some level of “inefficiency” (go ahead and call it wasted dollars). Eliminating the expensive lead producers is an important optimization step that is needed regularly. After the first 30 days, we were able to weed out the underperforming elements of the PPC campaigns. This reduced the cost per lead from the original $35 all the way down to $13.66 (a drop of 61%) while keeping the number of leads at 21 (81% of what was collected at the full budget total).

Building on Early Success

During the second month, we continued our optimization protocols (weeding out the weak stuff and boosting the stronger performers).

The result? A further 9% drop in the cost per lead, down to $12.37, while the overall lead level remained steady at 21.

Everything was still moving in the right direction!

Taking things to a whole new level

In the third month, we continued our optimization efforts. Plus, we made some adjustments to the ad extensions, including the call extensions. We were confident our client would see a further improvement in the campaigns, but the degree to which the campaigns improved surprised and delighted everyone!

The cost per lead went down again, but this time in dramatic fashion (an additional 56% to $5.49). That was great news all by itself.

But the change in the lead levels was even more dramatic, increasing from 21 to 50 (an explosion of 138%)!

Why the dramatic increase in leads? Two reasons :

1. The call extension area code was changed for one of their locations, better aligning to the location.

2. New ads being tested proved to be even stronger at getting people to respond.

Cost per lead decreased by an additional 56%, while the lead count increased by 138%!

Comparison of the competitors of PPC campaign

Going Strong The Next Month Too

Our team knows that PPC results are notoriously up and down. From day to day and even month to month, things can spike and drop… even as the overall trending becomes clear over time.

Could the fourth month sustain the results from the previous month?

After continuing ongoing optimization efforts, we saw confirmation that they were indeed on the right track. The fourth month saw a further reduction in the cost per lead (down another 13% to $4.79). Plus, the lead levels remained relatively elevated (at 43) despite hitting the summer search traffic slowdown in June.

Overall Results After 3 months

The original hope of the client was to reduce their monthly ad spend by 50% while maintaining a sufficient lead level. The results were far better than hoped:

  1. Monthly ad spend was reduced by 74%.
  2. Monthly lead levels increased by 65% (from 26 to 43), despite a massively reduced budget.
  3. Cost per lead was slashed by 86% (from $35 to $5).

It should be noted that not all of TYM’s PPC campaigns see this type of dramatic and consistent improvement. It is more typical to have some good months, some great months, and some mediocre months.

That said, we’re proud to let our readers know that the total lead levels for ALL PPC accounts for the first half of 2021 have increased by 60.5%, while the cost per lead has dropped 52.3%.


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Case Study On Restaurant

Case Study on The Fat boy



374% increase in revenue

426% increase in orders

With only a 188% increase in cost-per-order throughout the growth period

There once was a time when “food delivery” was specific to just Chinese or pizza. That time has long passed. These days, consumers can order any food for delivery. And with services like Zomato and Swiggy entering the fray, the competition is fierce. Even well-established brands, like Pizza Hut and Dominos, are struggling to stay top of mind when customers are considering their meal-time options.

There are hardly any pizza lovers in Alwarpet who are unaware of The Fat Boy- the famous pizza restaurant. So brand awareness was not really a problem for them, because people already knew them as one of the best restaurants serving delicious pizza. We have personally verified this. 😉 “Consideration” is precisely why the local pizza chain wanted a digital marketing service- To help their restaurant outwit and outlast, the competition, all while driving direct response to cover the cost of advertising – and then some.

In 2020, the marketing work we did with The Fat Boy, Chennai helped to keep them in the consideration pool while driving transactions and revenue at the most efficient ROAS (return on ad spend) possible. The numbers speak for themselves:


While the numbers speak for themselves, the behind-the-scenes work required to achieve this kind of growth across various co-ops locations is the real star. This is especially relevant when working with a national brand that has different challenges unique to each market – all within an industry where trends and behaviours change in an instant. Adaptability is the name of the game.

Our approach to tackling these challenges is three-pronged: (1) Understand each market’s unique situation, audiences and opportunities, (2) Let the data do the talking, and (3) Execute media buys in-house to save on markups costs and remain in charge of the data. Because our team of media buyers sits within the 4 walls, we’re able to provide results from a digital media mix that is ever-changing and ever-improving.

Our advertising mix in any given market likely includes:

We customize this mix for every market – here just a few of the factors considered when determining the right mix:

  • Challenges unique to the market, such as high competition, declining ticket averages, projected comp hurdles
  • The potential reach/volume of online users in The Fat Boy’s trade areas
  • The cost to advertise in a specific market, and the trend of that cost throughout the calendar year (where & when can we invest money most efficiently)
  • Ongoing performance insights – we constantly shift ad spend to the most efficient media based on the data


The only way to run successful ad campaigns is to test your campaigns, research your marketplace, and make changes frequently, but only when necessary to improve.

We’ve also targeted ads at people who frequented other pizza delivery and quick service restaurants through an evolving conquesting campaign; we’ve developed lookalike audiences across all franchise locations to expand the reach and implemented geofencing strategies that serve ads aligned with delivery areas specific to franchise locations.

And not to forget core remarketing strategies that display ads to audiences that have visited or engaged with The Fat Boy’s online, on mobile and on social media.

In short, we’ve married the art with the science of hyper-local marketing. By differentiating our strategies based on the data in front of us, we have successfully driven hyper-local results throughout The Fat Boy’s system.

And we’re just getting started.

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