The Yolk Media

Case study on southern packaging


Southern Packaging, LP, a global leader in FIBCs and bulk packaging, hired LAIRE to remodel and create an SEO- and marketing-friendly website using our Growth-Driven Design (GDD) methodology. The company has experienced a 156 percent growth in organic users and an increase of 79 percent in total users in Q1 of 2021 after 9 months of website makeover and marketing engagement activities.

 High-Level Stats
  • Increase in Organi Users by 155.79%.
  • An increase of 125 percent in Form Submissions.
  • Produced $55,000 in closed sales in the first quarter of 2021 because of new digital leads.

155.99% Increase In Organic Users

125% increase In Form Submissions

Closed Business In Q1 of 2021


Bulk Packaging Supply Leader

Leading supplier of bulk packaging, Southern Packaging, LP helps American manufacturers with their supply chains. Nearly 900 locations in the United States get deliveries from the company of more than 1,100 distinct industrial packaging goods, including poly-packaging, FIBC bulk bags, and more.

The Goal

Generate Organic Rankings and More Qualified Leads

Southern Packaging, LP hired us to execute a marketing plan after conducting competitive research so they could compete with local and national rivals who had been using a digital strategy for the last few years. We decided to overhaul the current website using a Growth-Driven Design strategy with the ultimate goal of increasing organic traffic through organic rankings and online lead generation. Incorporating strategic keywords and SEO best practices, we were able to construct new website pages gradually while showcasing their numerous product offers that weren’t previously highlighted on the website.

The site featured 24 pages altogether that had been redesigned with new content, page layouts, and modules after three months of Phase 1 developing core website pages and another six months of GDD.

Phase 1 Post-Launch Marketing Efforts

Our team adopted a GDD website redesign strategy, concentrating initially on the priority sites and templates before launching content marketing initiatives and creating auxiliary website pages. In addition to additional material like blog entries that are keyword-optimized, we also built the basic assets, such as compelling visual calls-to-action, email templates for product notifications, and newsletters.

Growth-Driven Design and Content Creation Generated 117 Form Submissions in Q1 of 2021

We have published and optimized 42 new blog articles within the last six months, made gated landing pages for product brochures, and established lead criteria for further lead creation. We have persisted in advancing strategic marketing initiatives, incorporating quarterly plans that cover paid advertising and email marketing. The company has received a significant number of digital leads from organic search alone, including phone calls and form submissions, and generated $55,000 in closed business in Q1 of 2021 from only digital leads.

Results of Growth-Driven Design


  • Increase in Organic Users of 155.79% (1,127 to 2,885)
  • Increase of 150.51 percent in Organic Sessions (1,374 to 3,442)
  • Increase in the Number of Sessions by 73.19 Percent
  • An increase of overall users of 79.2 percent

2021 Q1 Conversation RESULTS

  • Increase of 125 percent in Form Submissions (52 to 117).
  • Views of the Form Have Increased by 187% (1,827 to 5,247).
  • New digital leads produced $55,000 in closed business in the first quarter of 2021.