The Yolk Media


We use data to guide every decision we recommend for you.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
—Arthur C. Clarke

Technologies we use to help you have an edge

Front-End Technologies

Our chosen frontend technologies strike the right
balance between modern design and an intuitive UX
to give your audiences the most engaging
brand experience possible.

Back-End Technologies

Users may not see your back-end code, but they experience
the power of those snippets through frictionless functionality
– from seamless payment forms, to email opt-ins, social
sharing and all the other alluring visual elements.

Mobile Applications

When the larger chunk of your audience is interacting with
your brand via mobile, why would you want to be elsewhere?
Our mobile applications offer interactive and engaging
experiences customised to your audiences.

CMS And E-Commerce Platforms

Leverage platforms that integrate all your marketing &
sales functions and channels and leverage them for
better returns on your marketing investment.

Marketing & Advertising

Leverage platforms that integrate all your marketing &
sales functions and channels and leverage them for
better returns on your marketing investment.

Analytics Platforms

We use fully-integrated analytics platforms to help you
harness the power of data and insights with
simplicity and flexibility.